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Boundaries define conceptual limits of a certain responsibility or concern within a software application. They help to establish clear separation between different parts of the system and promote modularity and maintainability.


Nx caching is a feature that speeds up task execution by storing results and when possible (i.e. inputs haven't changed).

External Dependencies

External dependencies refer to dependencies that are managed by a package manager and are not part of the workspace's source code.


Generators are commands that can scaffold new code, or update existing code.

Cf. 📝 Generate Code by Nx


A library is either a:

  • non-buildable library: a folder with code that can be imported by other projects in the workspace through one or multiple entrypoints.
  • buildable library: a library that can be built separately from the apps that use it. (this is useful for incremental build)
  • publishable library: a library that can be published to a registry (e.g. NPM).

Cf. Split Apps into Libs > Non-Buildable vs. Buildable vs. Publishable Libs


Migration generators are special generators that allow Nx plugin authors to provide a way to update existing code and configuration to a new version of the plugin.

Cf. 📝 Migration Generators by Nx


A monorepo is a single repository that contains multiple projects or applications. Unintuitively, monorepos are often easier to manage than polyrepos (e.g. atomic changes and cross-project changes). While them come with their own set of challenges (e.g. build times), Nx swallows that complexity for you.

Cf. 📺 Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository by Rachel Potvin


An Nx Plugin is a package that extends the capabilities of Nx with:

  • generators
  • executors
  • migrations
  • inferred tasks
  • additional language support for the dependency graph


A polyrepo approach is where each project or application is stored in its own separate repository. It is the opposite of a monorepo and offers more flexibility in terms of project organization and independence but it can quickly lead to challenges in terms of code sharing and consistency.


An Nx Project is either an application or a library (or an Nx Plugin which is actually a library).

Project Crystal

Project Crystal is a codename for Nx 18 features that leverage task inferrence to provide a more seamless developer experience.

Cf. Implicit Libraries > Project Crystal

Single Version Policy

Single Version Policy is a principle where all projects in a workspace use the same version of a dependency.

Cf. Single Version Policy by Nx

Cf. 📺 The Diamond Problem by Rachel Potvin


A task is an action that can be performed on a project in an Nx workspace (e.g. build, lint, test, codegen). Each project can use a different implementation and configuration for a given task.


An Nx Workspace is nothing more than an Nx repository.

This should not be confused with NPM workspaces where each project is called a workspace.